Has your company or organization published a non-financial or integrated report reflecting on its 2023 activity? Do you want to highlight its sustainability efforts and increase people’s awareness on this topic?
Send us your report and try to become one of the winners of the 2024 edition of the Belgian Awards for Sustainability Reports!

Submit your Sustainability Report until 1st July 2024 
(Sustainability Reports in the “SMEs” and “Other organisations” categories will be admitted until 22 July).

Organization data

Please check the category of organization for which you apply for in the right column or in the Code of Participation

Person responsible for the report

Person of contact (for practical questions)



(1) The Report must set clear sustainability objectives and provide sufficient information on the basis of certain selected criteria (targets, results etc.) for Belgium

The link to the report on the website.

Cover of report*

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Adding a report in multiple languages is possible as separate PDFs. Please make sure you use web-optimized PDFs.

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Conditions to participate

  • Check the eligibility of your organization and category of your organization (see below or in the Code of Participation)
  • Read the Evaluation Criteria to find out on what basis your report will be assessed 

Code of Participation
Evaluation Criteria

Eligible reports in 2024

  • Every organization that issues a sustainability report on its activities in Belgium and beyond – regardless of the size of the organization or its industry – can participate in the Awards. 
  • The report has to communicate on the activities of a Belgian legal entity or on the Belgian activities of a foreign entity.
  • The report on the Belgian activities of a foreign entity must set clear sustainability objectives and provide sufficient information on the basis of certain selected criteria (targets, results etc.) for Belgium.
  • The organization has to disclose on its environmental, social and governance activities and performance (ESG).
  • The 2024 edition promotes sustainability reports relating to the year 2023 or - when not available - the most recent sustainability report (for a year prior to 2023) provided that it has been published in 2023 or 2024 and has not been submitted for previous editions of these Awards.

Reporting may rely on national frameworks, European Union-based frameworks or international frameworks. All organizations that are reporting on sustainability based on such frameworks are eligible for the Awards. Nevertheless, for organizational purposes and for the reasons described in the Evaluation Criteria, participants will be evaluated on criteria based on the internationally recognized Global Reporting Initiatives Standards (GRI).

Four categories of organizations in 2024

  1. Large listed organizations together with large public-interest entities already subject to the Non-Financial Feporting Directive (NFRD), i.e. having:
    • More than 500 employees; and
    • More than EUR 25 million balance sheet total or more than EUR 50 million net turnover
  2. Large non-listed organizations exceeding two of the three following criteria:
    • Net turnover: EUR 50 million,
    • Balance sheet total: EUR 25 million, and
    • More than 250 employees.
      This category also includes listed organizations together with large public-interest entities not subject to the NFRD.
  3. Small and medium-sized entreprises (SMEs): all organizations between 50 and 250 employees not considered as large organizations.
  4. Other organizations:
    • Small-sized companies: companies smaller than 50 employees;
    • NGOs, not-for-profit organisations (ASBL/VZW), international not-for-profit organisations (AISBL/IVZW) or foundations, which are based in Belgium and operate in or outside the Belgian territory;
    • Educational institutions, federations, public sector, etc.

Edition 2024 - Awards

  1. Belgian Award for the Best Sustainability Report in each category of organization, which will be selected by the Jury.
  2. Belgian Award for the Best First Sustainability Report which will be selected by the Jury amongst all first reports received (cross categories).
  3. Public Award for the Most Original and most Creative Sustainability Report which will be granted by a public vote on the day of the ceremony, based on a preselection of candidates by the Jury. The nominees will have the opportunity to present their report on the day of the ceremony and to communicate on their social, environmental and governance transition.