All replays of 2023 edition are available!

The workshops of 2023 edition of the BAS took place online, over lunch (12.00-13.30), for 1.30 hours between December 2023 and March 2024. The aim is to provide both technical and practical content to the public, linking the technical aspects with the practice/experience of organisations who can explain the challenges and opportunities of their experience in the topic covered.

Participation is free.

  • Double materiality: practical considerations for preparers and auditors

    Monday 11/12/2023 (12:00-13:30)

    Available: replay of the session & slides of the interventions - in English

    Organized by: Anne-Catherine TRINON, Managing Director at Cap Conseil and Harry EVERAERTS, Partner at E&Y

    Panel: Anne-Catherine ZOLLER, Head of ESG/Sustainability and Corporate Communications at D'Ieteren Group and Bert VANDEWALLE, Sustainability Manager at AG Insurance

    More information here

  • Context (CSRD), methodology, and strategic value risk assessment with practical insights from Syensqo!

    Tuesday 16/01/2024 (12:00-13:00)

    Available: replay of the session & slides of the interventions - in English

    Organized by: Marc DAELMAN, Partner at PwC and Stephanie HOLD, Manager Sustainability Business Solutions at PwC

    Invited: Philippe CHAUVEAU, Head of Climate at Syensqo

    More information here

  • ESG: New (EU) sustainability legal requirements: what do they entail and how can my company prepare for the reporting and its audit?

    Tuesday 30/01/2024 (12:00-13:30)

    Available: replay of the session & slides of the interventions - In English

    Organized by: Déborah FISCHER, Partner at RSM Belgium and Tessy MARTENS Senior Advisor at BDO

    Panel: Bénédicte PASSAGEZ, Head of Sustainability at Ethias - Natalia Agueros, Director, ESG Strategy & Engagement at Umicore

    More information here

  • Deep dive into the EU Taxonomy requirements with practical cases, how to avoid the common pitfalls and leverage on industry best practices

    Monday 12/02/2024 (12:00-13:30)

    Available: replay of the session & slides of the interventions - In English

    Organized by: Tom RENDERS, Partner at Deloitte - Sustainable Finance expert and Zhou-Heng YANG, Manager within the Sustainable Business Solutions team at PwC

    Panel: Werner VAN PETEGHEM, Sustainability & Communications Director at Recticel - Sarah FIALON, ESG Expertise – CEO Office at Belfius

    More information here

  • The G as a driver of sustainable value creation

    Tuesday 27/02/2024 (12:00-13:30)

    Available: replay of the session & slides of the interventions - In English

    Organized by: Guido DE CLERCQ, Transparency International Belgium, Steven MULKENS, Executive Director at KPMG and Sandra GOBERT, Executive Director at GUBERNA

    Panel: Géraldine NOLENS, Executive Vice President and Chief Counsel at Umicore - Pierre-Henri D'HAENE, Head of Strategy, Sustainability and Transformation at Elia - Pascale Marie BARRIQUAND, Head of Corporate Social Responsibility at Luminus

    More information here

  • What is the role of the financial intermediaries when building a sustainable future?

    Monday 11/03/2024 (12:00-13:30)

    Available: replay of the session - In English

    Organized by: Luc VAN LIEDEKERKE, Professor of business ethics at the University Antwerp and the KULeuven and Serge PATTYN, Financial Analyst and Business Consultant at ABAF/BVFA

    Panel: Hein LANNOY, Mangaging Director at Assuralia - Thomas VAN CRAEN , Managing Director at Triodos Bank - Kristof VANDE CAPELLE, CFO at Gimv - Tom VAN DEN BERGHE, Director Sustainable Finance at Febelfin

    More information here

  • Assurance on Sustainability information: requirements and how to get ready

    Tuesday 26/03/2024 (12:00-13:30)

    Available: replay of the session & slides of the interventions - In English

    Organized by: Sofian MILAD, Partner at Deloitte and Ophélie Franco, Senior at Deloitte

    More information here