Datum vrijdag 26 april 2024 - 08:30 -13:00
Locatie Auditorium BNP Paribas Fortis (Kanselarijstraat 1, 1000 Brussel / Rue de la Chancellerie 1, 1000 Bruxelles)

Assistant Professor / Academic Director MSc Accountancy


Full Professor


Strategy Wizard at Digitaly


VAN IMPE Patrick

Bihain Marc

Vanbeveren Inge

DE STREEL Charles-Henri

8u00 – 8u30


8u30 – 10u30

Administratieve zitting

1.          Opening door de voorzitter, de heer Patrick VAN IMPE

2.          Eerbetuigingen

3.          Voorstelling van de rekeningen per 31 december 2023 door de secretaris-penningmeester, de heer Charles-Henri DE STREEL

4.          Verslag van de commissaris, mevrouw Hélène SPEGELAERE

5.          Voorstelling van de begroting 2024 door de secretaris-penningmeester, de heer Charles-Henri DE STREEL

6.          Voorstelling van het IBR-jaarrapport 2023 door de adjunct-secretaris-generaal, mevrouw Inge VANBEVEREN

7.          Vragen en antwoorden betreffende de rekeningen 2023, de begroting 2024 en het jaarrapport 2023

8.          Benoeming van de stemopnemers

9.          Goedkeuring van de rekeningen per 31 december 2023

10.        Kwijting van de Raad voor zijn beheer

11.        Kwijting aan de commissaris voor haar opdracht

12.        Goedkeuring van de begroting 2024

13.        Verkiezing van een commissaris van de Nederlandstalige taalrol

14.        Stand van zaken betreffende de omzetting van de CSRD-richtlijn in België door de secretaris-generaal, de heer Marc BIHAIN

15.        Vragen en varia

16.        Afsluiting


10u30 – 11u00




11u00 – 13u00

Academische zitting


Eric VAN HOOF, ondervoorziter


Dites Bonjour à l'IA, votre nouveau collègue !

Aurélie COUVREUR, Digital Transformation Strategist

Discover how AI is reshaping industries with its disruptive capabilities, learn about its boundless possibilities, and dive into real-world examples that showcase AI's role as a game-changer in your professional environment.

Join us to unlock a future where AI enhances human expertise.

Aurélie has 25+ years of rich business experience in multinational companies such as Microsoft, Swift or D'Ieteren.  As a Digital Transformation Strategist, she has been guiding companies in developing strategies to transform digital challenges into genuine growth opportunities across various industries. She is advising Board and management Comittee members on how to drive transformation to thrive in a digital world.

Deeply passionate about the revolutionary potential of Artificial Intelligence, her experience as a speaker includes notable interventions in the media.

In her own words: 'Beyond technology, it's the impact of its applications and the opportunities it creates that fascinate me. Artificial Intelligence, comparable in scale to the Internet revolution, will radically transform our way of living and working. Our mission is to demystify this technology and unleash its potential.”


Auditing op warpsnelheid: Is het vak klaar voor een toekomst met AI?


Artificiële intelligentie is niet meer weg te denken in onze huidige maatschappij. Toch blijven velen sceptisch ten opzichte van het gebruik ervan. In deze uiteenzetting gaan we in op de uitdagingen die AI met zich meebrengt voor het audit beroep. Hoewel het makkelijk is om te stellen dat AI niet voor mij is, zijn de mogelijkheden van technologie voor het beroep enorm. AI biedt enorme schaalvoordelen, die de traditionele audit voorbijgaan. Voor de audit betekent dit niet dat het beroep van revisor overbodig wordt. Integendeel, met AI kan efficiëntie toenemen, maar hiervoor zijn er zeker nieuwe competenties nodig. Ook moet de auditor nog steeds sceptisch zijn over de limieten en grenzen die AI biedt. De trein aan zich voorbij laten gaan is geen optie meer, met beperkte investeringen kan je AI omarmen en je wapenen voor een toekomst samen met AI. 

Eddy Cardinaels is Full Professor of Accounting at Tilburg University. His work focuses on experimental and archival research in accounting. He studies the conditions under which decision makers can benefit from recent accounting developments and management accounting systems (e.g. AI in performance evaluations, Employee Giving Programs, CSR in competive markets, Automatic Summarization). Other work explores how social motives, honesty and trust (between superiors, subordinates or business partners) enter into crucial decisions such as capital budgeting, investment decisions, and inter-firm negotiations. Besides this, he also studies corporate governance (e.g. excess CEO compensation, ESG contracting, social connections), management issues in the health care sector and audit behavior of junior auditors and the link to audit quality. His work has been published in leading accounting journals such as The Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting Research, Accounting, Organizations, and Society, Review of Accounting Studies and health care management journals such as Health Policy. He served as editor for the Accounting Review (2014-2017), AOS (2018-2020), and currently serves at JMAR (2019-2022) and Accounting Horizons (2021-current). He is further an editorial board member for the journals Contemporary Accounting Research and Auditing: a journal of practice and theory.  

Judith Künneke is Assistant Professor of Accounting and Academic Director of the MSc Accountancy at Tilburg University. With a focus on the interdisciplinary nature of personnel economics and managerial accounting, she investigatequestions pertaining to the identification, development, and retention of employees, with a particular interest in sustainable employability and skill development. Likewise, she is interested in how managers and the design of managerial incentive systems contribute to the development of internal labor markets. In performing her research, she has regularly used data from auditors and gained in-depth insights into the world of accountants. Her prior employment at one of the Big 4 companies complements these insights. She has published her work in a continuum of top-ranking academic journals such as The Accounting Review to practitioner-oriented platforms such as HRM Institute to increase the valorization of her findings. In her prior position as director of a funding institution she bridged the gap between practice, academia, and policymakers in the accounting sector, recognizing the need to bring producers and users of knowledge together



Patrick VAN IMPE, Voorzitter


Receptie en Walking Lunch



8h00 – 8h30


8h30 – 10h30

Séance administrative

1.         Ouverture de la séance par le président, Monsieur Patrick VAN IMPE

2.         Hommages

3.        Présentation des comptes au 31 décembre 2023 par le secrétaire-trésorier, Monsieur Charles-Henri DE STREEL

4.         Rapport du commissaire, Madame Hélène SPEGELAERE

5.         Présentation du budget 2024 par le secrétaire-trésorier, Monsieur Charles-Henri DE STREEL

6.  Présentation du rapport annuel 2023 par la secrétaire générale adjointe, Madame Inge VANBEVEREN

7.         Questions et réponses concernant les comptes 2023, le budget 2024 et le rapport annuel 2023

8.         Désignation des scrutateurs

9.         Approbation des comptes au 31 décembre 2023

10.     Décharge au Conseil pour sa gestion

11.     Décharge au commissaire en ce qui concerne sa mission

12.     Approbation du budget 2024

13.     Élection d’un commissaire du rôle linguistique néerlandais

14.    Etat de la transposition de la directive CSRD en Belgique par le secrétaire général, Monsieur Marc BIHAIN

15.     Questions et varia

16.     Clôture


10h30 – 11h00

Pause café



11h00 – 13h00

Séance académique


Eric VAN HOOF, vice-président


Dites Bonjour à l'IA, votre nouveau collègue !

Aurélie COUVREUR, Digital Transformation Strategist

Discover how AI is reshaping industries with its disruptive capabilities, learn about its boundless possibilities, and dive into real-world examples that showcase AI's role as a game-changer in your professional environment.

Join us to unlock a future where AI enhances human expertise.

Aurélie has 25+ years of rich business experience in multinational companies such as Microsoft, Swift or D'Ieteren.  As a Digital Transformation Strategist, she has been guiding companies in developing strategies to transform digital challenges into genuine growth opportunities across various industries. She is advising Board and management Comittee members on how to drive transformation to thrive in a digital world.

Deeply passionate about the revolutionary potential of Artificial Intelligence, her experience as a speaker includes notable interventions in the media.

In her own words: 'Beyond technology, it's the impact of its applications and the opportunities it creates that fascinate me. Artificial Intelligence, comparable in scale to the Internet revolution, will radically transform our way of living and working. Our mission is to demystify this technology and unleash its potential.”


Auditing op warpsnelheid: Is het vak klaar voor een toekomst met AI?


Artificiële intelligentie is niet meer weg te denken in onze huidige maatschappij. Toch blijven velen sceptisch ten opzichte van het gebruik ervan. In deze uiteenzetting gaan we in op de uitdagingen die AI met zich meebrengt voor het audit beroep. Hoewel het makkelijk is om te stellen dat AI niet voor mij is, zijn de mogelijkheden van technologie voor het beroep enorm. AI biedt enorme schaalvoordelen, die de traditionele audit voorbijgaan. Voor de audit betekent dit niet dat het beroep van revisor overbodig wordt. Integendeel, met AI kan efficiëntie toenemen, maar hiervoor zijn er zeker nieuwe competenties nodig. Ook moet de auditor nog steeds sceptisch zijn over de limieten en grenzen die AI biedt. De trein aan zich voorbij laten gaan is geen optie meer, met beperkte investeringen kan je AI omarmen en je wapenen voor een toekomst samen met AI. 

Eddy Cardinaels is Full Professor of Accounting at Tilburg University. His work focuses on experimental and archival research in accounting. He studies the conditions under which decision makers can benefit from recent accounting developments and management accounting systems (e.g. AI in performance evaluations, Employee Giving Programs, CSR in competive markets, Automatic Summarization). Other work explores how social motives, honesty and trust (between superiors, subordinates or business partners) enter into crucial decisions such as capital budgeting, investment decisions, and inter-firm negotiations. Besides this, he also studies corporate governance (e.g. excess CEO compensation, ESG contracting, social connections), management issues in the health care sector and audit behavior of junior auditors and the link to audit quality. His work has been published in leading accounting journals such as The Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting Research, Accounting, Organizations, and Society, Review of Accounting Studies and health care management journals such as Health Policy. He served as editor for the Accounting Review (2014-2017), AOS (2018-2020), and currently serves at JMAR (2019-2022) and Accounting Horizons (2021-current). He is further an editorial board member for the journals Contemporary Accounting Research and Auditing: a journal of practice and theory.  

Judith Künneke is Assistant Professor of Accounting and Academic Director of the MSc Accountancy at Tilburg University. With a focus on the interdisciplinary nature of personnel economics and managerial accounting, she investigatequestions pertaining to the identification, development, and retention of employees, with a particular interest in sustainable employability and skill development. Likewise, she is interested in how managers and the design of managerial incentive systems contribute to the development of internal labor markets. In performing her research, she has regularly used data from auditors and gained in-depth insights into the world of accountants. Her prior employment at one of the Big 4 companies complements these insights. She has published her work in a continuum of top-ranking academic journals such as The Accounting Review to practitioner-oriented platforms such as HRM Institute to increase the valorization of her findings. In her prior position as director of a funding institution she bridged the gap between practice, academia, and policymakers in the accounting sector, recognizing the need to bring producers and users of knowledge together



Patrick VAN IMPE, président



Réception et Walking Lunch

