Onze hoofdonderwerpen


Kwaliteitsmanagement in de kantoren


Antiwitwas en de rol van de bedrijfsrevisor


Helemaal mee


Mededeling 2024/24: Aanpassingen van de groottecriteria en geldende overgangsbepaling: verschillende modaliteiten voor vennootschappen, verenigingen en stichtingen

Publicatie van de brochure “Omzetting VZW”

Twee belangrijke KB’s over het algemeen rekeningenstelsel en de jaarrekening van ziekenhuizen gepubliceerd in het Belgisch Staatsblad van 8 augustus 2024

Jean-François Nobels, Voorzitter van de werkgroep ziekenhuizen van de commissie non-profitsector van het IBR, bedrijfsrevisor

Jaarrekeningen van zeer kleine vzw’s worden amper gepubliceerd en blijven slordig

Johan Christiaens, Hoogleraar UGent en Justine Vandenbroucke, Master Bestuurskunde en Publiek Management UGent

Mededeling 2024/23: CFI – Implementatie van de goAML applicatie

Reactie van het IBR op het CBN-ontwerpadvies “Boekhoudkundige verwerking van splitsingen van vennootschappen – negatief fiscaal nettoactief – herwaarderingsmeerwaarde (addendum bij CBN-advies 2022/01 en 2022/12)”





Kiezen voor een carrière als bedrijfsrevisor is kiezen voor een job met veel maatschappelijke impact en afwisseling. Bedrijfsrevisoren gaan een stap verder dan eenvoudig de boekhouding controleren. Ze geven aan hoe betrouwbaar de jaarrekening is en ze kunnen tal van opdrachten uitvoeren en advies op maat verstrekken, en dit in alle sectoren, van beursgenoteerde ondernemingen tot KMO's, verenigingen en publieke- en non-profitorganisaties.

In deze video volgen we bedrijfsrevisoren Filip Remmery en Thalissa Loots, die ons tonen welke toegevoegde waarde ze hebben bij hun klant, biobakkerij De Trog in Ieper.



Vacatures en overnames

Vacatures voor bedrijfsrevisoren/auditors, professionele medewerkers van revisorenkantoren, werkaanbiedingen voor en door stagiairs en aankondigingen van overnames of overdrachten van kantoren.

Call for tender for Eurodad Institutional and project auditor

6 mei 2024

INDIENEN VOOR: 12 mei 2024

Eurodad is a network of 60 NGOs across Europe, working on development finance advocacy. Our focus is on strengthening the power of European CSOs, working as part of a global movement to push governments and powerful institutions to adopt transformative changes to the global economic and financial system. More information can be found on our website.

Eurodad is looking for a new auditor as the previous’ auditor’s mandate is coming to an end. A new auditor needs to be retained for project audits according to donor requirements (as of July 2024) and institutional audits (as of financial year 2024) for up to 6 years.

Requirements of the contract:

  • Conduct an annual limited review of Eurodad’s accounts in accordance with the legal requirements applicable in Belgium and the International Auditing Standards (ISAs) (annual statutory audit of the financial statements). This review will consist principally of:
    • verifying that accounting records and statutory accounts of the association comply with applicable Belgian laws and regulation,
    • applying analytical procedures to financial data,
    • making inquiries of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters,
    • verify that donor rules have been applied,
    • examine all income due, received,
    • examine the payroll of the staff,
    • verify that relevant local/national laws and regulations have been complied with (i.e. procurement)
    • analyse internal control procedures to advise the management in order to improve,
    • if so requested by the board or treasurer of Eurodad, a verbal explanation at a board meeting may be required
  • Perform a 6 monthly project audit as per donor requirements:
    • currently applicable to one project funded by Bread for the World (German Ministry of Development, pending contract signature) with a budget of € 866.000 over a 3 year period (2024-2026) and 3 international partners (with HR costs only) – the first audit will be due July/August 2024 for the first semester of 2024. Pertinent donor rules will be provided to the contracted auditing firm ahead of the first audit,
  • Perform a yearly project audit as per donor requirements:
    • currently applicable to one project funded by EC DG INTPA (pending contract signature) with a budget of € 8.461.113 over a 4 year period (2024-2028), eight European partners and 10-20 European subgrantees – the first audit will be due July/August 2025 for the first year of the project (June 2024 – May 2025). Pertinent donor rules will be provided to the contracted auditing firm ahead of the first audit;
  • Additional project audits might be required depending on successful funding bids and related fees are to be agreed on a case by case basis, depending on the volume of transactions to be verified
  • All reviews are to be conducted in hybrid mode, both online and at the legal headquarters of Eurodad, currently located at 26, Rue d’Edimbourg, 1050 Ixelles, where all books of accounts related to all projects are located).

Contract timeline:

framework agreement will be awarded for 6 financial years (2024-2029) for the institutional audit and for the whole duration of any project started during that period. Project audits can be contracted as soon as the framework agreement is signed (pending the donor’s approval of the auditor selection and possible signature of 3-way agreement between donor, auditor and Eurodad), but the agreement will only be valid for institutional audits for the first three years (2024-2026) after approval of the mandate by Eurodad’s General Assembly in June 2024 and for the 3 additional financial years (2027-2029) pending Eurodad’s General Assembly’s approval in June 2027. 

Instructions for submitting tenders:

  • Deadline: Tenders must be submitted no later than 26/05/2024 23:59 CET. Tenders submitted after this time will not be considered.
  • Where and how to submit tenders: Tenders should be submitted via email to tenders@eurodad.org with the subject “Tender” and the tender reference: 2024-05
  • Language of tenders: The tenders must be in English.
  • The submitted tender package must include:

The complete offer with all relevant details, including:

  • proof of the authorization or registration as an auditor firm in Belgium
  • proposal outlining the audit approach and methodology applied and the proposed fee for the services required as outlined in these TOR
  • provide CVs or equivalent of the chief auditor responsible for this contract
  • description/evidence of how you comply with Eurodad’s selection criteria
  • period of validity of the bid

The signed declaration on honour at the end of this document confirming that the bidder does not match any of the exclusion criteria

Companies must state their registration below and provide a copy of their company’s registration document, as proof of their nationality in compliance with the European Union’s Rules of Nationality.

If relevant, other documents that demonstrate how the bidder fits with the selection criteria may also be included. Tenders which are incomplete or not submitted as described above will be excluded.

Contact person

If you have questions about the terms of reference or invitation to tender requirements, please send these in writing to cblave@eurodad.org. Please do not send tenders to this address. It is forbidden to discuss price with this contact person and this person will not be involved in the decision-making for this contract. Relevant questions must be submitted no later than 12/05/2024 23:59 CET and answers will be published here no later than 16/05/2024 23:59 CET

For more information and full job description: here